Yacht Video Productions



Using Talent (People) is a great way to enhance the look of Lifestyle and show complete usage of a vessel’s features. Mixing footage with Digital Still Detail images helps create a delightful composition which can highlight exciting Luxury & Lifestyle on board. Proper music accentuates the vessel’s attributes and demonstrates an experience that beckons anyone to want to live this life. Digital Still Interiors are supplemented with vignettes of footage presenting great use of various areas.


Creating a Charter film can be accomplished with a minimal amount of Talent (People). Using proper music with mostly Boat-to-Boat or Land-to-Boat footage can be used to showcase a vessel. Early morning and late afternoon angles can also address the magnitude of a sometimes simple location. Digital Still Interiors enable better control of lighting for tight on-board areas displayed with the Pan & Scan “Ken Burn’s” effect.